Displaying 1 to 20 (of 63 products)
- Manufacturer
- Goodcare Pharma
Start a course to Neem Guard today and experience the difference it makes to your life. Neem Guard meets the highest standards of quality and has been manufactured under stringent quality control measures. Traditionally, Indians bathed in neem leaves steeped in hot water. This was a common procedure to cure chronic skin ailments of allergic reactions. In India and Africa, people use the twigs of neem tree as toothbrushes. Neem is one of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in...… - Manufacturer
- Baidyanath
Indications: Gandhak rasayana is a formulation in which Gandhak fortified with upper indicated herbs for several times to make a “Rasayana”. It is a good remedy for - All type of skin diseases Kustha (leprosy) Urticaria Boils Eczema Acne Blood impurities, etc and a good rasayana.… - Manufacturer
- Hamdard
A well-known effective herbal oral treatment for many skin diseases. It spurs the system on to start elimination of the accumulated morbid matter through the intestines, kidneys and skin, and corrects their functions. A very well known blood purifier. An effective remedy for boils, pimples and other skin eruptions. Useful for all, Males and females - children and youth. Indications: Boils Pimples Skin problems Constipation Skin eruption Epistaxis....… - Manufacturer
- Kerala Ayurveda Limited
Indications:Chronic urticaria, allergic dermatoses, pruritis of unknown aetiology, dermal reactions due to food and drugs, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, contact dermatitis, eczema etc.Ingredients:Jatamanshi, Pushkaramool, Kutki, Vacha, Rajani, Jeera, Nagakesara, Kiratathiktha, Salmalia, Parpataka.Dosage:2 Tablets twice or thrice daily.… - Manufacturer
- Dr JRK's Siddha Research & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Lippu Oil is a perfect solution to the problems of Dry skin, hyper melanosis, Lichen Planus, Ichthyosis, and Eczema. It offers quick recovery by control of itching, lichenisation and preventing further damage to the epidermis. Here we find Lippu a natural medicine in neutral base is very ideal in the management of melasma in pregnant women and amongst those who developed melasma as a result of melanocyte stimulating harmone therapy or after use of contraceptive pills. Melasma...… - Manufacturer
- Dr JRK's Siddha Research & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
S.I.V.A Drops is very effective for those who suffer from diabetes, hypersensitive group, HIV infected group, subjects with various autoimmune disorders such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo and the subjects affected by degenerative diseases and also diseases like acute or chronic eczema, Ulcers of G.I tract, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), Fungal Dermatitis etc. Under treatment with S.I.V.A. increased membrane stability and chemotacticity of the phagocytes is developed. The phagocytic ability of...… - Manufacturer
- Goodcare Pharma
Neem Oil, is pressed from the fruits and seeds of the evergreen Neem tree and it has unique skin healing and anti viral properties.Benefits:1. Relieves redness and itching skin. 2. Lightens scars and pigmentation. 3. Soothes and moisturizes dry and cracked skin. 4. Helps fight infection, fungus and parasites. 5. Also helps in acne, dandruff, itching, skin allergy, eczema, psoriasis, lice, bug bites ,ringworms ,cuts and wounds.Ingredients:Neem (Azadirachta indica)Dosage:Apply...… - Manufacturer
- Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala
Ingredients: Alstonia scholaris, Oldenlandia corymbosa, Panicum sumatrense, Picorhiza kurroa, Acorus calamus, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica, Emblica officinalis, Caesalpinia sappan, Cyclea pellata, Coscinium fenestratum, Curcuma longa, Hemidesmus indicus, Ichnocarpus frutescens, Piper longum, Piper cubeba, Azadirachta indica, Pterocarpus santalinus, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Citrullus colocynthis, Tinospora cordifolia, Vetiveria zizaniodes, Adhatoda vasica, Asparagus racemosus,...… - Manufacturer
- Vyas Pharmaceuticals
Eczema, fungal and skin infection.
Mahamarichyadi Tail, Neem Tail, Chalmogra Tail, Coconut Tail, Chandan Tail, Kapoor Tail, Bakuchi Tail, Karanj Tail, Kokam Tail, Nashak Tail.
Apply 5–10 drops on the affected area.… - Manufacturer
- Dr JRK's Siddha Research & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Lippu Ointment is a perfect solutions to the problems of Dry skin, Hyper melanosis, Lichen Planus, Icthyosis, and Eczema. It offers quick recovery by control of itching, lichenisation and preventing further damage to the epidermis. Here we find Lippu a natural medicine in neutral base is very ideal in the management of melasma in pregnant women and amongst those who developed melasma as a result of melanocyte stimulating harmone therapy or after use of contraceptive pills. Melasma may...… - Manufacturer
- Dr JRK's Siddha Research & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Pesin by virtue of its immune modulator property has significant role in the treatment of autoimmune disorder like Psoriasis. Prescription of Pesin during the severity stage of Psoriasis for a period of 6 to 12 weeks greatly enhances the speed of remission. It is hence co-prescribed with 777 oil and Psorolin ointment. In addition, its ingredients have unique properties to overcome, painful joints, dyspepsia and depressions that commonly occur during severity stage and conditions of Psoriatic...… - Manufacturer
- Charak
Ingredients: Gandhak Rasayan 25 mg, Vang Bhasma 15 mg, Oil of Linum usitatissimum 5 mg, Triphala & Tinospora cordifolia each 300 mg, Berberis aristata & Rubia cordifolia each 200 mg, Withania somnifera 100 mg. Indications: Takzema Tablets is the non-steroidal remedy for eczema (atopic dermatitis), contact dermatitis. Dosage: Two tablets twice a day. Packing: Strip of 30 Tablets. … - Manufacturer
- Goodcare Pharma
Benefits of a Herbal Face Pack
Tones skin naturally.
Exfoliates dead cells.
Prevents Acne & pimples. Â
Prevents pimples
and acne.
Anti ageing.
Tone up skin.
Prevents black
heads, scars.
Each Pack contains:
Safed Chandan
(Santalum album)
Lal Chandan (T.
Jeevak (Malaxis
Ladhra Chaal -
Its paste is used in skin diseases like acne, pimples. Useful...… - Manufacturer
- Surya Pharmaceuticals
A Tea for asthma & allergy. Indications: Common cough & cold, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, eczema, urticaria and other allergic diseases. Benefits: Safe & pure. Non–steroidal, 100% herbal. Free from heavy metals and other contaminations. Solvent free–pure water extract are used. Ingredients: Sirisha, Kantkari, Vasaka, Madhuyasthi, Tejpatra. Method Of Preparation: Take two teaspoonful of the...… - Manufacturer
- Dabur
Ingredients: Sita, Haritaki, Haridra Trivit, Daruharidra, Musta, Ajamoda, Yavani, Chitrak, Katuki, Shveta Jiraka, Pippali, Shunthi, Tejapatra, Sukshmaila, Tvak, Vidang, Guduchi, Vasa, Kustha, Amalaki, Vibhitak, Chavya, Dhanyaka, Lauh Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma. Indications: Sheeta Pitta, Udard, Kotha (urticaria and other allergic skin diseases), Kandu (skin itching), Pama (scabies), Vicharchika (eczema), Jeerna Jwar (chronic fever), Krimi rog (intestinal worms), Pandu rog (anaemia)...… - Manufacturer
- Rasashram
Indications: Allergic dermatitis, urticaria, eczema, bacterial infection, acne and pruritis. Dosage: 1 - 2 teaspoon with water twice a day. Packing: 40 grams. … - Manufacturer
- Vyas Pharmaceuticals
Ingredients: Each 5 ml of Tail is processed with Bakuchi Beej Tail 5 ml. Indications: Useful in itches, eczema and skin diseases. Mode Of Application: For external use only. Apply 5-10 drops on the affected area with gentle massage for few minutes. Packing: 60 ml.… - Manufacturer
- Unjha Ayurvedic Pharmacy
Ingredients: Each Uncoated Tablet contains: Sudharshan Extract 250 mg.Sudharshan Ghanvati is very famous for its antipyretic action. It is very effective for all types of fever. Temperature comes down soon after taking the first dose. If taken for long time, it pulls out any hidden cause of the fever from the body. Blood is vitiated by the excess of the heat, it causes skin disorders, liver-spleen disorders and heamopathes. Sudarshan Ghanvati effectively controls the skin disorders like...… - Manufacturer
- Arya Vaidya Sala
Indication: A well known remedy for all diseases caused by impurity of blood as leprosy, eczema, boils, pimples etc. Adjuvents are purified sulphur or honey. Each 10 ml contains: Pathya - 7.407 gmGopangana - 7.407 gNimba - 7.407 g Usgae: 5-15 ml mixed with four times of boiled and cooled water. Package: 200 ml. … - Manufacturer
- Aarohi
A light and nourishing Body Oil. 100% Natural. No Additives. Oil of Apricot is made from apricot kernels, rich in Vitamin B17, which are hand-picked and crushed in a traditional cold press.Valued in aromatherapy for its penetrative properties, it is an ideal massage oil for babies.A natural moisturizer, it relieves discomfort from eczema, cracked heels and joint pains.Regular use prevents stretch marks of pregnancy. Usage: Apply regularly for a soft, supple and glowing skin. …
Displaying 1 to 20 (of 63 products)