Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products)
- Manufacturer
- Maharishi Ayurveda
Useful in oedema, fistula, piles, abdominal lump etc.
3 Gms daily with luke warm water.… - Manufacturer
- Aimil Pharmaceuticals
Amroid is a polyherbomineral formulation of rare selected herbs to ease the discomfort of haemorrhoids (piles). Amroid contains herbs which are scientifically validated, through researches and studies. With the potential actions of Amroid like haemostatic (to reduce blood loss), antimicrobial (anti-infective), anti-inflammatory, laxative and metabolic regulation, it is aimed to curb the symptoms and systemically treat the condition of Haemorrhoids. Phytoconstituent of Amroid have vast...… - Manufacturer
- Charak
A combo therapy for piles and prevents reccurence. Arshonyt Forte Tablet is an ayurvedic formula for hemorrhoids, manufactured by Charak Pharma. The remedies it contains have astringent properties and hence tone the vascular musculature to improve the elasticity of the walls of the haemorrhoidal veins. They also improve digestive function, and reduce the tendency for constipation, which tends to be the cause in a majority of the cases. This formula is used in the medical management of internal...… - Manufacturer
- Charak
THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN RENAMED AS PILEIEF. Arshonyt Forte Tablet is an ayurvedic formula for hemorrhoids, manufactured by Charak Pharma. The remedies it contains have astringent properties and hence tone the vascular musculature to improve the elasticity of the walls of the haemorrhoidal veins. They also improve digestive function, and reduce the tendency for constipation, which tends to be the cause in a majority of the cases. This formula is used in the medical management...… - Manufacturer
- Men-Tsee-Khang
Ingredients: Pinus sp., Tribulus terrestris, Withania somnifera, Holarrhena antidysenterica, Clematis sp., Embelia ribes, Selaginella pulvinata, Capsicum annuum. Benefits: It helps to subside abdominal bloating and inflammation caused by gastro-intestinal disorder, degeneration of intestinal mucus, disorder of the blood vessels, intestinal parasitic disorders and haemorrhoids/piles. Usage: Pour hot water on to the tea bag and let it diffuse for a while...… - Manufacturer
- Charak
A natural haemostyptic
To decrease the severity and duration of menorrhagia
and metrorrhagia.
Management of post-partum beldding
To check bleeding associated with IUCD insertion or
MTP procedures.
Management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding and
premenopuasal bleeding.
To prevent or check aggravation of bleeding from
haemorrhoids during pregnancy.
In General Medicine/Surgery Preoperative prophylaxis
in minor surgery
...… - Manufacturer
- Rasashram
Ingredients: Shuddha Gandhak, Bilva Garbha, Bal beeja, Chitrak, Amla, Dantimoola, Rasna, Mukta Bhasma, Nagkesar, Suran kand. Indications: Internal and external haemorrhoids. Arshonil pills reduces the pile mass and checks bleeding. Dosage: Two Tablets twice a day with water. Packing: 50 Pills. … - Manufacturer
- SKM Siddha & Ayurveda
Ingredients: Naga parpam 100 % Benefits: It is useful in both internal & external haemorrhoids, effectively diminish bleeding piles, shrinks the pile mass and regularizes the pitha. Dosage: 1- 2 Tablets to be taken with clarified butter twice daily, after meals. Packing: 100 Tablets… - Manufacturer
- Nagarjuna
Indications: It is useful in haemorrhoids. Ingredients: Manasila (sudh), Gandhakam (sudh), Chiruvillwam. Directions for Use: One tablet twice daily after food for 21 days.… - Manufacturer
- Nagarjuna
Indications: It is useful in Haemorrhoids. Ingredients: Manasila (sudh), Gandhakam (sudh), Chiruvillwam. Packing: 20 gms. … - Manufacturer
- Dehlvi Naturals
Ingredients: Each 500 mg capsule contains: Nigella sativa ext. (Kalonji) – 500 mg. Indications: It acts as a general health supplement, useful in treating acidity, amenorrhoea, asthma, bloating, bronchitis, cardiovascular disorders, cold, cough, colic, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, diarrhoea, dry cough, fever, flu, hypertension, loss of hair, migraine, palpitation, premature greying of hair, rheumatism, vitiligo, haemorrhoids. Dosage: One...… - Manufacturer
- Rasashram
Indications: It is used to treat skin infections, Urticaria and Leucoderma. Usage: Immersed it in water and then apply it externally on the affected part. Packing: 25 Grams… - Manufacturer
- Charak
Pileief Tablet is an ayurvedic formula for hemorrhoids, manufactured by Charak Pharma. The remedies it contains have astringent properties and hence tone the vascular musculature to improve the elasticity of the walls of the haemorrhoidal veins. They also improve digestive function, and reduce the tendency for constipation, which tends to be the cause in a majority of the cases. This formula is used in the medical management of internal and external hemorrhoids and for preventing the recurrence...… - Manufacturer
- Medisynth
Ingredients: Acidum Nitricum, Calcarea Fluorica, Hamamelis Virginica. Indications: It is effective in haemorrhoids of any kind viz. internal or external, bleeding or non bleeding. It gives relieves pain and reduces constipation and gives regular movement to the bowels. Dosage: 5 – 10 drops to be taken 3 – 4 times a day. Packing: 30 ml. … - Manufacturer
- Dehlvi Naturals
Ingredients: Safed Sandal, Rassaut, Harsinghar, Nilofar, Mochras, Lodh Pathani, Lajjalu, Maghze Neem. Indications: It is effective in the treatment of bleeding haemorrhoids, fissures, internal & external piles. It also gives relief in pain and itching. Dosage: Two capsules twice daily after meals with water. Packing: 10 strips x 10 capsules. …
Displaying 1 to 15 (of 15 products)