Pesin by virtue of its immune modulator property has significant role in the treatment of autoimmune disorder like Psoriasis. Prescription of Pesin during the severity stage of Psoriasis for a period of 6 to 12 weeks greatly enhances the speed of remission. It is hence co-prescribed with 777 oil and Psorolin ointment. In addition, its ingredients have unique properties to overcome, painful joints, dyspepsia and depressions that commonly occur during severity stage and conditions of Psoriatic arthritis. Pesin in ensuring T-helper cell proliferation and restoration to normal levels, in comparison to the control group where in the T-helper cell count declined sharply to nil during the period of investigation. Indications: Pesin capsule is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: - Immune deficiency disorders
- Psoriasis
- Chronic dermatitis
- Eczema.
Ingredients: Pesin capsule is a preparation made with the extracts from following ingredients: - Parangi pattai (Smilax chinensis)
- Vaividangam (Embelia ribes)
- Amukkara (Withania somnifera)
- Elarisi (Elettaria cardamomum)
- Sangu parpam (Conch turbinella rapa parpam)
- Linga chenduram (Linga chendooram)
- Excipients.
Dosage: Take 1 capsule after breakfast and 2 capsules after dinner, with milk / water, for 2 to three months for adults and 1 capsule once a day after food with water or milk for children above 10 yrs. Packaging: 10x10 tablets