Displaying 1 to 20 (of 38 products)
- Manufacturer
- Goodcare Pharma
Start a course to Neem Guard today and experience the difference it makes to your life. Neem Guard meets the highest standards of quality and has been manufactured under stringent quality control measures. Traditionally, Indians bathed in neem leaves steeped in hot water. This was a common procedure to cure chronic skin ailments of allergic reactions. In India and Africa, people use the twigs of neem tree as toothbrushes. Neem is one of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in...… - Manufacturer
- Dabur
Dabur Shilajit is a health tonic that retains your youthful vigour. Considered a rasayana in Ayurveda, it is a mixture of natural ingredients that boosts the immune system and optimizes physical performance. In Ayurveda, Shilajit is considered a 'rasayana', which helps to increase strength, immunity and vitality. General health tonic Supports immune system Optimizes physical performance Enhances rehabilitation of muscle, bones and nerves Helps acclimatize to newer...… - Manufacturer
- Baidyanath
Punarnavadi Guggulu is traditionally used to remove excess kapha from the body. It's diuretic and demulcent properties work to reduce swelling and to soothe painful tissues. It improves fluid circulation, aiding in the removal of stones and toxins and restoring balance in the urinary and reproductive systems. Punarnavadi Guggulu eliminates kapha, helps to reduce swelling of the joints and soothes painful tissues. It maintains proper fluid circulation, aiding in the elimination of urinary...… - Manufacturer
- Sun India Pharmacy
Indications:1. Gaestroentrites, constipation, stomach gas and diarrhoea. 2. It fights out all these ailments and restores normal digestion power of stomach. 3. Promotes appetite and helps in gaining weight. 4. It is also useful in jaundice and chronic women ailment. 5. It is equally effective for men, women, and children and makes them healthy and energetic.
Ingredients:Kasni, Kant Kari, Arjun, Jhaun, Mandoor Bhasma, Shilajeet, Safed Musali, Sonth, Bhring Raj,...… - Manufacturer
- SBL Homeopathy
Alfalfa is an excellent general tonic it improves all bodily systems giving vigour and vitality and improving and balancing digestion. It assists with weight gain and anxiety management and helps to bring a restfull deep sleep. Indications: For anxiety states, nervousness, stress situations especially for people overworked and overstretched in today's mad rat race for survival. For students, children, old age group individuals, engaged in competitive pursuits...… - Manufacturer
- Zandu
The fruit of Amalaki is given to ally the
effects of aging and to restore the organs. An Ayurvedic medicines, the fruit
juice is given to strengthn the panoreas of diabeties. The juice is also given
to treat eye problem, joint pain and diarrohoea and dysentry.
Emblica is a Rasayana. A regular, usage
confers longevity and weight gain. It improves the blood picture. The fruit is a
rich source of vitamin C. It features in a 7th century Ayurvedic Medical text.
The sage Muni Chyavan...… - Manufacturer
- Charak
Safe appetite supressant for treating obesity.Benefits:Obenyl helps in weight-redution without any side-effects. Reduces the weight by reducing fat; fats contribute to weight gain. Reduces water retention of the body (Diuretic action).Indications:Obesity/Overweight Obesity in patients with diabetes and / or hypertension.Dosage:
Adults: Two tablets two to three times a day.
Children: One tablet two to three times a day.… - Manufacturer
- Jaggi
Combats, controls, checks worms
Indications: * Facilitates expulsion of worms * Reduce Chances of redevelopment of cyst & ova in the intestine *Maintaining basic gastro-intestinal rhythum. *Ascariasis * Relieves the annoying symptoms of spasm, abdominal discomfort, itching, nausea etc. * Improves digestion & assimilation. * Promotes weight gain.
Each 5 m. contains extracts of : Palaspappara 125 mg Vidanga 125mg Rechanaka ...… - Manufacturer
- SBL Homeopathy
Homoeopathic Medicine. Complete Family Tonic. Ingredients: Alfalfa, Avena Sativa, Ginseng, Hydrastis Canadensis, Cinchona Officinalis, Kali Phosphoricum, Kali Arsenicosum, Ferrum Aceticum, Calcera Phosphorica. Indications: Fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, sleeplessness, neurasthenia, loss of appetite, underweight and undernourishment, convalescence, pregnancy and lactation. Dosage: For convalescing Individuals: Adults: 1 tablespoon 2 times...… - Manufacturer
- Medisynth
Ingredients: Alfalfa, Avena Sativa, Cinchona Officinalis, Hydrastis Canadensis, Withania Somnifera, Acidum Phosphoricum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Kali Phosphoricum, Natrum Phosphoricum, Calcarea Phosphoricum, Magnesium Phosphoricum. Indications: It is an ideal weight gainer and body builder with sweet and delicious taste is excellent for underweight children, undernourished adults with poor appetite, as diet supplement in pregnancy. Dosage: For growing...… - Manufacturer
- Sandu Pharmaceuticals
Ingredients: Katuki, Kiratatikta, Rohitaka, Daruharidra, Bal Haritaki, Tamalki, Guduchi, Arka Patra, Yavakshar, Navsagar, Erandapatra. Indications: It is helpful in treating loss of appetite, jaundice, fatty liver, anorexia and liver disorders. Dosage: 1-2 Tablet to be taken twice daily. Packing: 2 strips x 30 tablets… - Manufacturer
- Arya Vaidya Pharmacy
Main Ingredients: Kashmari, Bilwa, Patola, Syonakam, Tarkasi. Indications: It is used to treat disorders of vayu, asthma, sinusitis, fever, voice constraint, anorexia and indigestion. Dosage: One teaspoon twice a day. Packing: 250 Grams… - Manufacturer
- Arya Vaidya Pharmacy
Description: Narasimha Rasayanam is a famous Ayurvedic medicine in herbal butter form. This medicine has butter as its base. It is used for preparatory procedure for Panchakarma and also as medicine for the treatment of weakness, weight gain, hair growth and rejuvenation. Benefits: It is widely used as medicine and also in preparatory procedure called snehakarma for the treatment of weight gain, to improve muscle mass and strength. It improves hair growth, intelligence and...… - Manufacturer
- Protein Nutritional Supplement
Balyum is a scientifically formulated rich protein supplement that supplies essential Amino Acids and it is fortified with vitamins and minerals, Fenugreek, Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Ginseng.This makes Balyum, a wholesome nutritional beverage for adults. It also supports healthy growth of children. Protein nutritional supplement1 – 2 glasses of Balyum beverage everyday provides nourishment, strength, stamina and immunity. Ingredients: Soy Protein, Isolate, Skimmed milk...… - Manufacturer
- Sahul India
Ingredients: Garcinia, Arjuna, Gymnema, Fenugreek, Nutgrass, Glory Bower, Purified Mineral Pitch, Long Pepper, Cinnamon, Purified Guggul. Benefits: It helps to promote healthy metabolism of fats, maintains appetite level and favours bodyweight management. Usage: Pour 240 ml freshly boiled water over infusion bag in a cup, cover it and let it steep for 3-4 minutes. Remove infusion bag. Slowly sip the herbal tea, feeling its rich flavour and aroma....… - Manufacturer
- BAPS Swaminarayan Herbal Care
Meshshringi, Mamajjak, Katuki, Kiratikta, Krishna jirak, Lata karanj, Karvellak, Methika, Yashtimadhu, Guduchi, Jambu beej, Indrayav, Kalumbo, Haridra, Kalumbo.
It is used in controlling Diabetes Mellitus.
2 Tablets to be taken twice daily before meals.
Packing: 75 grams… - Manufacturer
- SBL Homoeopathy
Ingredients: Clcarea carbonica, Thyroidinum, Fucus vesiculosis, Phytolacca berry Indications: It is recommended for overweight individuals or those who wish to improve their metabolism and reduce weight. Indicated in post natal weight gain. Dosage: Adults: 10 – 15 drops in ¼ cup of water, 3 – 4 times daily. Packing: 30 ml.… - Manufacturer
- Arya Vaidya Sala
Ingredients: Talispatra, Chavika, Maricha, Krishna, Krishnamula, Sunthi, Ela, Tvak, Patra, Nagakesara, Useera, Sita. Indications: It is effective in conditions like upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, cough, asthma, bronchitis and anorexia. It soothes the inflammation of the mucosal membranes and acts as an expectorant. It helps to enhance the immune responses and inhibits allergic inflammations. Dosage: 10 grams twice daily. Packing: 100 grams - Manufacturer
- Institute of Indian Therapies
1. It removes superficial unwanted water content of the body and prevents accumulation of fatty tissue under the skin. 2. Reduces lipid fraction of the physique and tightening muscles. 3. Highly useful for excess body size and belly fat.
Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica, Aconitum heterophyllum, Marsdenia tenacissima, Ipomoea turpethum, Plumbago zeylanicum, Adhatoda vasica, Azadiracta indica,...… - Manufacturer
- Girme's Wheatgrass
Ingredients: 100% natural Wheatgrass Powder. Free from artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. Benefits:Helps strengthen immune (resistance) system.Helps in detoxification & reduce stress.Helps resolve digestion problems such as constipation, acidity, piles, colitis, diabetes etc.Helps combat: cancer, thalassemia, anaemia, menstrual problems, arthritis, insomnia, leukaemia, skin & kidney problems, heart diseases etc.Highly effective for weight loss and weight gain.Helps...…
Displaying 1 to 20 (of 38 products)