Oils are prepared for internal medication, nasal application (Nasya), oral application and application via enema amongst others. We have a vast range of Ayurvedic oil preparations. |
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777 oil is a single herbal formulation prepared by lipid extraction procedure. This formulation is first described by Dr JR Krishnamoorthy and was later patented by CCRAS, New Delhi. This drug is found to be effective in the management of Psoriasis. This formulation has already been Clinically evaluated serval Thousend of patients benefitted across India and many parts the world and has been proven to be very effective for longterm usage.
Indications: All types of...… - Manufacturer
- Nagarjuna
Indications: Psoriasis, dandruff and other scaling and fungal skin infestations. Ingredients: Each 100ml is prepared out of: Wrightia tinctoria leaves (Hayamaraka pathram) 250 grams, Cocos nucifera oil (Kerajam) 100 ml. Directions for Use: External Use: Apply on the affected areas 30 to 60 minutes before bath (without using soap). Internal Use: 5ml in empty stomach, twice daily, with 30 ml hot water.… - Manufacturer
- Nagarajuna
Very useful in gynaeco- disorders like leucorrhoea, infertility, poly cystic ovarian disease, hormonal imbalance and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.Indications:LeucorrhoeaInfertilityPoly cystic ovarian diseaseHormonal imbalance Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Dosage:Two times daily. 15 ml to 25 ml with equal quantity of water, preferably after food. Packaging:A 50ml bottle of product.    … - Manufacturer
- Nagarjuna
Indications: Effective for application and for massaging the affected areas of the body in Vaatha Vyadhi (diseases due to vitiated Vaatha dosha), Kampam (tremor), Gulmam (chronic flatulence), Unmaadam (psychosis), Peenasam (rhinitis), Yoni-rogam (diseases of female genitalia), Akshepakam (convulsions) and Ooru-sthambham (spasticity of thigh muscle). Ingredients: Sahacharam, Vilwam, Shyanaakam, Gambhaari, Paatala, Ganikaarikam, Shaalaparni, Prushniparni, Bruhathi, Bruhatheebhedam,...… - Manufacturer
- Khusboo
Latin Name: Cedrus Deodara English Name: Himalayan CedarSanskrit Name: : DevadaruHindi Name: Deodar Description: The oil has anti-inflammatory, depurative, diuretic, antiseptic, astringent, expectorant and sedative properties. It is also applied in skin diseases, catarrh and chest infections. Inhalation has been used for bronchitis, tuberculosis, anxiety and associated tension.
Useful in following diseases:
Anxiety, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Cough,...… - Manufacturer
- Dabur
Indications: 1. Helps sharpen brain. 2. Strong and healthy hair. 3. Soft and beautiful skin. 4. Keeps body warm in winter. 5. Good for infants. 6. Helps relieve constipation.Ingredient:Sweet almond oilDosage:1. 5-10 ml with 250 ml of milk. 2. Can also be applied externally on scalp and body.… - Manufacturer
- Goodcare Pharma
1. It is natural laxative derived from nature. 2. It relieves muscle strains and inflammation. 3. It is a safe laxative for pregnant women and children. 4. It protects the scalp from microbial and fungal infections. 5. It is good for dry skin. 6. Is effective for burns and wounds.
Composition: Erand Tel (Ricinus communis) (Castor oil)
1 – 2 teaspoonful with warm milk before bedtime. … 777 oil is a single herbal formulation prepared by lipid extraction procedure. This formulation is first described by Dr JR Krishnamoorthy and was later patented by CCRAS, New Delhi. This drug is found to be effective in the management of Psoriasis. This formulation has already been Clinically evaluated serval Thousend of patients benefitted across India and many parts the world and has been proven to be very effective for longterm usage.
All types of...… - Manufacturer
- BAPS Swaminarayan Herbal Care
Main Ingredients: Lemon, Honey, Teatree. Benefits: Lemon Extract: It deeply cleanses and tones the skin. It has antibacterial, antiseptic & astringent properties. Tea Tree Oil: It is a great moisturizer and cleanser. Honey: It is a natural moisturizer that softens and moisturizes the skin. It fights skin damage and ageing. Directions for Use: Moisten face, massage face wash gel, gently work up a lather using a circular motion. Wash off and pat...… - Manufacturer
- Patanjali Ayurved
Made from the mature and fresh coconuts, Patanjali Double Filtered Coconut Oil is a premium cooking and consumer oil that is pure and non-RBD (Refined, Bleached and Deodorized). Patanjali Double Coconut Oil is pure and without any preservatives offering you the great taste, aroma and goodness of Natural Coconut Oil. Packing: 210 ml. …
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