Dermatosis neglecta is a skin condition in which accumulation of sebum, keratin, sweat, dirt and debris leads to a localized patch of skin discoloration or a wart-like plaque. It is caused by inadequate hygiene of a certain body part, usually due to some form of disability or a condition that is associated with pain or increased sensitivity to touch (hyperesthesia) or immobility. |
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)
777 oil is a single herbal formulation prepared by lipid extraction procedure. This formulation is first described by Dr JR Krishnamoorthy and was later patented by CCRAS, New Delhi. This drug is found to be effective in the management of Psoriasis. This formulation has already been Clinically evaluated serval Thousend of patients benefitted across India and many parts the world and has been proven to be very effective for longterm usage.
Indications: All types of...… - Manufacturer
- Dr JRK's Siddha Research & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Psorolin cream is adjuvant to 777 Oil. Psorolin cream is very effective during the scaling stage of psoriasis. It controls hyperkeratosis. It is very effective for Psoriasis & Fungal Infections.NOTE: cream now comes in a tube, not a jar as indicated in the photo. Indications: Psorolin ointment is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Psoriasis Fissure foot Fungal dermatosis. Ingredients: Psorolin ointment is made with the following ingredients: Wrightia tinctoria...… - Manufacturer
- Dr JRK's Siddha Research & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
A-Forte is the drug of choice as long term treatment prevents high tone deafness, amnesia, hypertension, constipation, muscle wasting, lens opacity and arthritis. It helps retain skin elasticity. It is also indicated for osteo-arthritis, myocardial infections and cerebro vascular insufficiency disorders. A-forte helps restoring tranquility solves the problem of insomnia. Indications: A-Forte capsule is useful when the following symptoms are displayed: Psoriasis Vitiligo Fungal dermatosis ...… - Manufacturer
- Ayurved Sumshodhanalaya
Multipurpose Ayurvedic Cream Ingredients: Coconut oil, Pandhari ral, Chandan tel, Bhimseni kapoor, Shankhjire (Talc), Kadunimb, Gokharu, Doorva, Pahadmool, Sudhajal. Indications: Piles, fissures, disorders of bowels, burning sensation of urine, palms, soles and eyes, unsound sleep, chilblain, cracked heels, skin problems, insect bites, mosquito bite, boils, prickly heat, itch, scabies, wounds, pimples, burns and diseases caused by heat and pitta. Benefits: It can...… 777 oil is a single herbal formulation prepared by lipid extraction procedure. This formulation is first described by Dr JR Krishnamoorthy and was later patented by CCRAS, New Delhi. This drug is found to be effective in the management of Psoriasis. This formulation has already been Clinically evaluated serval Thousend of patients benefitted across India and many parts the world and has been proven to be very effective for longterm usage.
All types of...… - Manufacturer
- Bafco
Ingredients: Each capsule contains: Garjar 200 mg, Tamatar 200 mg, Amla 100 mg. Indications: Bacoxy capsules has beta carotene, lycopene, vitamin E, vitamin C etc, which provides potential anti-oxidant to the body and prevent degenerative bioprocess. Acts as a natural anti-oxidant in diabetes, coronary artery diseases, post-operative recovery, dermatosis, cancer and other diseases. Dosage: 1 - 2 Capsules twice a day. Packing: 3 X 10 Capsules …
Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 products)