A well-known effective herbal oral treatment for many skin diseases. It spurs the system on to start elimination of the accumulated morbid matter through the intestines, kidneys and skin, and corrects their functions. A very well known blood purifier. An effective remedy for boils, pimples and other skin eruptions. Useful for all, Males and females - children and youth. Indications: - Boils
- Pimples
- Skin problems
- Constipation
- Skin eruption
- Epistaxis.
Ingredients: - Bauhinia variegata
- Canscora decussata
- Cassia angustifolia
- Chrozophora plicata
- Curcuma caesia
- Cuscuta reflexa
- Dalbergia sissoo
- Fumaria parviflora
- Ipomoea turpethum
- Lavandula stoechas
- Melia azadirachta
- Nymphaea lotus
- Ocimum canum
- Pterocarpus santalinus
- Rosa damascena
- Smilax china
- Sphaeranthus indicus
- Swertia chirata
- Tephrosia purpurea
- Terminalia chebula
- Tinospora cordifolia
Dosage: Two teaspoonfuls in the evening, plain or with a cup of milk. For children, doses vary according to age 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon. Packaging: A bottle of 200ml of product.