Tranquil is a product of SBL's Research & Development and is a combination of well known drugs of homoeopathic therapeutics which treat stress and anxiety. All of us can cope with some stress in our lives, however, there are times when we feel particularly anxious for a definite reason or indeed for no clear reason at all. Tranquil raises the brain threshold, so that body can cope up with stress and anxiety. It relieves tension, removes depression and promotes natural sleep with clear awakening. Thus it helps tension ridden, depressed individual to work. Benefits: - No drowsiness
- No side effects
Indications: - Anxiety.
- Tension.
- Depression.
- Insomnia.
Each tablet contains: - Abrus precatorius - Sleeplessness due to high fever, headache, pain in the limbs, high pulse rate.
- Aconitum napellus - Excessive restlessness. Vexation about trifles. Inconsolable anxiety. Fear of approaching death. Apprehensive sadness and depression.
- Atropa belladona - Frenzied with excitement. Special illusions. Mania. Restless throughout night. Awakened by frightful dreams.
- Calendula officinalis - Anxious, morose and intense depression. Great irritability, easily frightened, hearing is very acute, fretful, sleepy dreamy.
- Chelidonium majus - Excited and uneasy, anxiety, frequent crying, extremely depressed, morose and fretful, very forgetful, stupefaction at night.
- Viburnum opulus - Sedative (British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, 1983), Headache, very nervous and excessively irritable, confusion and inability to concentrate thoughts.
- Kali phosphoricum - One of the greatest nerve remedies. Prostation, weak and tired. Marked disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system. Conditions arising from want of nerve power, neurasthenia, mental and physical depression.
- Zincum picricum - Nervous exhaustion, chronic occipital headache, profound neurasthenia.
In equal proportion Excipients q.s. to one tablet of 100mg. Dosage:
Adults: 2 to 4 tablets 4 to 6 times daily. Children: Half of the adult's dose Or as directed by the physician. Presentation:
A bottle of 250 tablets.