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Nirdosh Herbal Cigarettes (10 packets = 100 Herbal Cigarettes)

Nirdosh Cigarattes is now available only in Clove and Mint taste.Nirdosh Herbal Cigarettes the outcome of 20 years of persistent research based on the principles of ayurved (Indias ancient science of healing) . The product helps to quit smoking

Nirdosh can be used to give up the habit of tobacco and marijuana smoking Nirdosh increases metabolism, helping digestion and the removal of toxins from the chest and lungs. Smoking has been enjoyed for thousands of years. Smoking is a social,...…

Neem Guard (60 Capsules)
Goodcare Pharma

Start a course to Neem Guard today and experience the difference it makes to your life. Neem Guard meets the highest standards of quality and has been manufactured under stringent quality control measures. Traditionally, Indians bathed in neem leaves steeped in hot water. This was a common procedure to cure chronic skin ailments of allergic reactions. In India and Africa, people use the twigs of neem tree as toothbrushes. Neem is one of the most powerful blood purifiers and detoxifiers in...…

Shilajit (100 Capsules)

Dabur Shilajit is a health tonic that retains your youthful vigour. Considered a rasayana in Ayurveda, it is a mixture of natural ingredients that boosts the immune system and optimizes physical performance. In Ayurveda, Shilajit is considered a 'rasayana', which helps to increase strength, immunity and vitality. General health tonic Supports immune system Optimizes physical performance Enhances rehabilitation of muscle, bones and nerves Helps acclimatize to newer...…

Nirdosh Herbal Cigarettes (5 packets = 50 Herbal Cigarettes)

Nirdosh Herbal Cigarettes the outcome of 20 years of persistent research based on the principles of ayurved (Indias ancient science of healing) . The product helps to quit smoking

Nirdosh can be used to give up the habit of tobacco and marijuana smoking Nirdosh increases metabolism, helping digestion and the removal of toxins from the chest and lungs. Smoking has been enjoyed for thousands of years. Smoking is a social, traditional and ceremonial activity that can be relaxing and...…

Arogyavardhini Vati (80 Tablets)

Baidyanath Arogyavardhini Bati Pills The word Arogya means good health and Vardhini means improver. It means that the formulation, which improves good health, is known as Arogyavardhini. It is used in the imbalances of all the three Doshas (humors). It is used for Leprosy, Fever, Edema, Obesity, Jaundice and other Hepatic disorders. It is good for lack of Appetite, Indigestion & Irregular bowls, Liver disorders and Skin diseases. Acts as an alterative, carminative stomachic. According to...…

Divya Medohar Vati (60 Tablets)

Divya Medohar Vati is an excellent Ayurvedic Herbal Supplement for weight loss. It improves week digestion and reduces fat disposition from the body. It combines the detoxifying and rejuvenating actions of triphala with the deeply penetrating and cleansing actions of guggulu. Theraputic uses: It first removes disorders of the digestive system and then reduces the extra fat in thebody, making the body beautiful, compact, lustreful & active. Especially useful in thyroid disorders (hypo...…

Punarnavadi Guggulu (80 Tablets)

Punarnavadi Guggulu is traditionally used to remove excess kapha from the body. It's diuretic and demulcent properties work to reduce swelling and to soothe painful tissues. It improves fluid circulation, aiding in the removal of stones and toxins and restoring balance in the urinary and reproductive systems. Punarnavadi Guggulu eliminates kapha, helps to reduce swelling of the joints and soothes painful tissues. It maintains proper fluid circulation, aiding in the elimination of urinary...…

Arogya Vardhani Vati (40 Tablets)

Shuddha Parada, Shuddha Gandhaka, Loha Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Tamra Bhasma, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amalaki, Shilajeet, Guggulu, Eranda, Katuki, Nimba.
Indications:  It is used in the treatment of acute & chronic fever, obesity, liver disorders, anorexia, improves digestion, acts as cardiac tonic and helps to cure skin diseases as well.
Dosage: 2 -3 Tablets once or twice a day with honey or milk.
Packing: 40 Tablets …

Spirulina Plus (60 Capsules)
Goodcare Pharma

Spirulina, an aquatic vegetable is called the "Ultimate Super Food" all over the world. It contains more nutrients than any other food, be it plant, grain, herb or even meat. Actually, it is the greatest source of protein (much more than meat, eggs, pulses, soya beans etc.), essential vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, Spirulina is deficient in Vitamin C, a supplement that our body requires daily to prevent diseases. Spirulina Plus corrects this imbalance by combining Amla,...…

Ezi Slim (100g)
Goodcare Pharma

Excess weight can cause health problems. Yet, dieting is not always the best way to loose weight. Starvation diets lead to protein oxidation (loss of muscle and water) making you regain the lost kilos once you stop dieting. Ezi Slim offers the safe alternative for getting into shape.     Indications: Ezi Slim is a ayurvedic supplements. Reduces transformation of carbohydrates to fats. Controls cholesterol and triglycerides levels.  Less load on heart, therefore...…

Kesari Kalp (500 gms)

Indications / Usage : 
A unique research formula, Baidyanath Kesari Kalp has been prepared by the Ayurvedic Scholars and Baidyanath Research Foundation. Excellent remedy to relieve symptoms of premature ageing like wrinkles, greying of hair, weight loss, debility, black circles, vitamin & mineral deficiency and convalescence. The extra ordinary power of Swarna Bhasma, Silver & Saffron in combination with 44 choicest herbs and mineral have been incorporated. The precious Swarna...…

Varanadi Kashayam Tablets ( 100 Tabs.)
Arya Vaidya Pharmacy

Main Ingredients: Varanam, Agnimandham, Chitrakam, Bhallathakam. Indications: It is used to treat liver disorders, internal abscess, indigestion, obesity, chronic headache, kapha medha vikaras.
Dosage: 3 Tablets twice daily. Packing: 10 strips x 10 tablets…

Obenyl (20 Tablets)

Safe appetite supressant for treating obesity.Benefits:Obenyl helps in weight-redution without any side-effects. Reduces the weight by reducing fat; fats contribute to weight gain. Reduces water retention of the body (Diuretic action).Indications:Obesity/Overweight Obesity in patients with diabetes and / or hypertension.Dosage:

Two tablets two to three times a day.

One tablet two to three times a day.…

Varanadi Kashayam (200 ml)
Arya Vaidya Pharmacy

Varana, Sahachara, Sathavari, Chithrakam, Moorva, Vilwamoola, Vrusharika, Bruhati, Bhadrika, Karanja, Chirivilwa, Agnimantha, Abhaya, Sigru, Darbha, Bhallathaka.
Very helpful remedy to treat liver troubles, internal abcess, obesity, sinusitis, tumour, abdominal lump, indigestion, chronic headache and rheumatoid arthritis.
5 ml – 15 ml to be taken with 4 times Boiled & Cooled water twice a day.

Medohar Guggul (20 gms)

It helps to reduce obesity. Helps in the treatment of fatty enlarged liver. Acts as an adjuvant therapy to lower cholesterol in the body.
2 - 4 Tablets twice a day.
Packing: 20 grams. …

Arjuna Tablets (60 Tablets)
Sri Sri Ayurveda Trust

Ingredients: Arjuna. Indications: It helps in treating obesity, ulcers, heart disease, cough due to weakness or emaciation, urinary disorders, thirst. Dosage: 1–2 tablets twice a day with water. Packing: 60 Tablets.…

Gulguluthikthakam Kashayam (200 ml)
Arya Vaidya Pharmacy

Nimbatwak, Guloochy, Vasa, Patala, Bruhati, Vidanga, Devadaru, Gajapippali, Haridra, Kushta, Chavya, Jyothirmati, Maricha, Indrayava, Ajamaja, Chithraka, Vacha, Bhallathaka, Pippalimoola, Rasna, Manjishta, Mustha, Visha, Jeera, Gulgulu, Nagaram.
It is used to treat chronic skin diseases, leprosy, fistula, obesity, chronic arthritis, chronic sinusitis, scrofula glands, tumors and diabetes.
5 ml – 15 ml to be taken...…

Oberid Capsules (10 x 6 capules)
Ratan Ayurvedic Sansthan

Arogyavardhini, Garlik, Chavya, Pipla Mul, Chitrak, Saunth, Trikatu, Guggul, Ajwain, Vividang, Aloe Vera, Dant Mul, Shilajeet, Methidana, Trifala.
It improves digestive system which helps body to be fit and energetic. It reduces fat from all parts of the body.
Take 2-2 capsules with warm water in the morning and evening up to 3 months for better results.
Packing: 10 x 6 caps. Blister pack. …

Mahayogaraja Guggulu (50 Tablets)
SKM Siddha & Ayurveda

Ingredients:  Nagara, Pippali, Cavya, Pippali mula, Citraka, Hingu bhrsta, Ajamoda, Sarsapa, Sveta jeeraka, Krsna jeeraka, Renuka, Indrayava, Patha, Vidanga, Gajapippali, Katuka, Ativisha, Bharangi, Vaca, Murva, Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amlaki, Guggulu, Vanga Bhasma, Raupya Bhasma, Nagabhasma, Lohasara Bhasma, Abhraka Bhasma, Mandura Bhasma, Rasa Sindhura. Indications:  It is used in the treatment of Abdominal Lump, Upward movement of vata, Urinary Disorder, Fistula in ano,...…

Medohar Vidangadi Loha (100 Tablets)
Unjha Ayurvedic Pharmacy

It is recommended in management of overweight, worms and anaemia.
Vavding, Harde, Baheda, Amla, Nagarmotha, Piper, Sunth, Belgiri, Netravaro, Sugandhi varo, Patha, Khus, Balamool, Loh, Bhasma.
1-2 Tablets twice a day with lukewarm water. …

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