11 Steps to
Better Health

In ancient India it was the duty of the Vaidyas
to protect ayu or life. They would have great
conventions in the Himalayas with all the greatest
Vaidyas and discuss the
diseases being
faced by mankind and how to remove
them at their very root.
Hence the great eternal
science of ayurveda was borne.
In today's newsletter
we share 11 simple secrets that are universal and
good for everyone, everywhere in all times.
If you
apply just 10% of these 11 principals you will have
a 110% improvement in health.
As we follow the principal of "from text to test" which means that
modern science should be able to validate the
teachings of ayurveda and indeed if you just browse
Google Scholar on the subject of
Ayurvedic research
you will be amazed at how what has been taught by
the sages of yore, never fails to be validated and
work. This is the beauty of eternal wisdom, it is
non-changing, as it is based on pure and perfect
perception of reality
- Drink only pure alkaline spring water.
Even if you have the best water purifier in the
world, water once it has been chemically
treated, looses it's magnetic fingerprint or
prana and this takes time to restore. Try
find a local spring near to where you live that
is coming naturally out of the earth (make sure
the spring is pure and clean of course). Make
sure the pH of the spring is alkaline and
ideally the TDS are as low as possible. You can
visit Find a Spring to see a global online guide
of springs in many countries, if you find a good
one you can add it there too. If you don't a
local spring then look for spring water in
bottles that you can use for drinking and
cooking. You will notice within a week a
remarkable improvement in health no doubt.
- Stop eating nightshades! Nightshades
are tomato, potato, brinjal, potato and
capsicum. All nightshades contain known
chemical toxins and all have a long term
detrimental effect on health. Ironically they
are of the most consumed vegetables in most
countries due to their addictive quality. For a good reference of research on
the subject see the book: Nightshade Free Pain Free
- Stop all refined oils Replace them with cold pressed (and organic!) oils such as extra virgin olive oil,
sesame oil and ghee.
Prof Hari Sharma
presented a study done on rats that within 3
weeks of feeding them refined oil lesions had
formed in their livers. Cut out refined oils in
all and every form (they are hidden in many
- Eat organic. When you don't eat
organic in today's world, you are eating any
number of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides
as well as the chemicals used to preserve and
process foods after picking (for example today
in India mangos are picked green and then
in chemicals to artificially ripen them).
Organic food has higher vitamin and nutrient
content, does not tax the liver with toxic
chemicals and has been proven to enhance
- Make your own yoghurt. This is one of
the age old secrets of all civilizations that
had the highest longevity such as Abkhazia and
Hunza. Fresh home made yoghurt was made and
consumed daily. Get whole organic raw milk,
bring it to a boil, cool it to body temperature
and add some few spoons of the best yoghurt you
can find as a starter culture. Leave it
overnight with the oven lamp on if in a cooler
climate. If in a warm climate don't leave it too
long to sour. Yoghurt is best eaten when it is
naturally sweet. Take yoghurt at lunch time as a
home made lassi (1 part yoghurt and 4 parts of
spring water with a little honey added to
- Totally stop white sugar. It has no
nutritional value and is a known toxin for the
body. It is the most addictive and heavily
consumed poison on the planet today. Take whole
sugars such as jaggery (raw sugar), dates, honey
and maple syrup. Note: Never heat honey!
- Totally stop coffee. Coffee
might be your ticket to "wake up" your system
but it is at a great cost. It has been shown to
contain a number of known carcinogens and has a
very detrimental effect on the liver. Phase it
out in preference of herbal teas such as
peppermint or rose petal tea which are wholesome
and good for liver and cleanse the system rather
than laden it with toxins.
- Stop all forms of soya. Soya though
marketed as a health food is quite the opposite.
Cut it out in all forms (it is often hidden as
soya-lecithin!). In the last decade so much
research has come out on the detrimental effects
of soya on health. Most people are not educated
and are following what the soya companies wish
them to believe. it has a very detrimental
effect on health and this has been extensively
documented and reported on the excellent
New Zealand Soy
Network Site.
- No canned, preserved, microwaved or any
otherwise chemical modified food. Most
people know this point but we've added it for
those who still think any of the above are safe
for health. Denatured, microwaved and overly
processed foods all tax the health and put
toxins into the body.
- Take 1/2 tsp
Amalaki powder twice a
day. Amalaki was not called the nurse mother for
nothing. Charaka mentions that one should take
Amalaki every day as it is extremely wholesome
and good for health. For those without the
luxury of your own trees, take a little of the
powder twice a day with spring water.
- Don't use your mobile phone against your
head, not in your pocket near your heart, nor keep it on your body when you
carry it. If you use a computer with WiFi don't
work on top of it (use an external keyboard and
mouse). Charaka defines three major points that
are the seat of "élan vitae", being the head,
heart and bladder. By putting a radiating phone
right on your ear we are causing subtle damage
to our most vital point in the body, our head.
Sufficient evidence is there to put massive
question marks over the safety of mobile phones.
Use it selectively on speakerphone and for
We would appreciate your feedback very much if
you've managed to follow even one of the points and
seen the improvement to your health. This is the
pure and true Ayurveda, to be aware of those things
that are good for everyone, all the time. Kindly
write feedbacks to:
[email protected] or simply reply to this