An Ayurvedic concept in the management of male infertility, Asthenia (nervous, muscular, sexual) and stress and strain of the fast-paced modern lifestyle. Benefits: - Fortege ingredients help to tone-up Genito-Urinary and Neuro-Glandular systems gradually.
- Fortege helps in digestion, assimilation and morning evacuation. Helps in decongestion of prostate.
- Fortege keeps one alert and fresh. Does not create the vicious circle of Stimulation, Exhaustion, Depression which leads to loss of confidence and chronic Fatigue.
- Fortege breaks up psycho-somatic circles at various points and reduces hyper-excitability of higher and lower sex-centers. These factors relieve "Fatigue" and helps normal sex performance.
- In Females - can be safely given in Menopausal syndrome, Frigidity, house wife fatigue.
Fortege in male infertility: - Improvement in sperm count and Motility observed in 3 months of starting the treatment.
- SAFE: Non-hormonal, devoid of side effects of commonly used androgens
- Sperm count can be improved from 5-10 million/ml to 50-60 million/ml. Motility from 10% to 60%
- Semen Volume increases from 0.5 ml to 3 ml or even more.
Indications: - Asthenia
- Chronic fatigue
- Stress
- Male impotence
- Menopause syndrome
- Frigidity
- Male infertility
Ingredients: - Jeevanti
- Kamboji
- Kaucha beej
- Suddha kuchla
- Samudra Shokla beej
- Vardhara beej
- Ashwagandha
- Laving
- Piper
- Vacha
- Kali-mirch
- Sunth
- Chinikabab
- Akarkara
- Safed chandan
- Jayphal
- Javantri
- Varadhara mool
Dosage: In Asthenia (Fatigue), Stress, and Strain: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks. As Geriatric tonic: 1-2 tablets twice a day. In Males: In functional impotence: 2 tabs thrice a day for 6 months In Females: Menopause syndrome, Frigidity, House wife Fatigue: 2 tabs twice or thrie a day for 1-6 months. In Male Infertility: Oligospermia, Poor motility: 2 tabs thrice a day for 3-6 months or till wife conceives. Packaging: A bottle of 100 tablets.