The herbal supplement, Amrit Kalash, was developed thousands of years ago by the great Ayurvedic sages as the one formula for total health. Instead of treating symptoms of disease, Ayurvedic wisdom offered Amrit Kalash as a natural, holistic approach to help root out the underlying cause of disease. Amrit boosts mental potential and your overall health: Amrit paste (MA4) is especially good for the mind, brain and nerves. Also promotes vitality and inner strength. All-natural, pesticide-free blend of 13 traditional herbs.
The Most Important Ayurvedic Food Supplement! Of all the rasayanas (mind & body rejuvenators) the Maharishi Amrit Kalash Rasayana is by far the most universal in its application and beneficial in its effect. “Rasayana of Rasayanas” It is a well known product and has many different names like: MAPI, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Maharishi Vedic Education, Maharishi Ayurveda, Maharishi Gandharva-Veda, TM, Transcendental Meditation, Maharishi Amrit Kalash, Amrit Kalash or Amrit. Maharishi Ayurveda Amrit Kalash is a combi-pack of 600 gms Herbal Fruit concentrate (Nectar) and 60 Herbal tablets (Ambrosia) - MA4 and MA5.
The Nectar herbal fruit concentrate and Ambrosia herbal tablets work together to create overall health. They contain different ingredients but have complementary effects. This ancient Ayurvedic herbal supplement is known to provide balance and strength to body’s immune system by protecting the body against free radical damage. Ayurvedic experts say that Amrit Kalash contributes to the state of bala — a state where the body’s own ability to defend itself is at its optimum. Rasayana means "that which supports Rasa." Rasa corresponds to plasma and nourishes the whole body. Where single herbs can be dangerous, Rasayanas are complex combinations that include natural antidotes and herbs that are "best friends." The result is a synergistic combination (Amrit Kalash) much more powerful than the sum of the effects of the individual herbs. Free radicals produced in the body by normal bodily processes and especially by mental and physical stress, environmental pollution and pesticides in foods can cause extensive damage in all cells, speed up the ageing process and contribute to a wide range of diseases. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables supplies a good amount of anti-oxidants that mop up the damaging free radicals. Comprehensive scientific research has shown that Amrit Kalash is the most effective known food supplement to ensure you have an adequate anti-oxidant supply. Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK) helps maintain the health and functioning of the entire physiology - it increases longevity, memory and intelligence, enhances immunity, elevates energy levels, decreases the effects of aging and enhances overall well-being. Amrit Kalash is the most powerful of all known Ayurvedic supplements, which gives the energy no other supplement can give. It is soluble in both water and fats and can thus be active throughout the body - in the blood stream and inside the cells. The latest research shows that one gram of Amrit kalash is more effective against free radicals than 1,000 grams of vitamin C or E. It takes 250 meticulous steps to prepare. Twenty-two pounds of raw ingredients are required to produce a single jar of the Amrit Nectar. The herbs are slow-cooked to protect vital nutrients from high temperatures. This precise adherence to tradition and detail ensures that you get an authentic product of unparalleled quality. Amrit Kalash is and Ayurvedic Herbal Masterpiece and a true gift to the world! Indications: Amrit noticably improves the following: - The three types of mental function: acquisition, retention, and recall.
- Metabolic transformations, digestion, the emotions and their effect on heart function.
- The mind, nervous system, respiration, circulation and elimination.
- Moisture balance, physical structure and strength.
- The junction points or gaps in the step-by-step transformation of the 7 tissues—plasma, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and reproductive fluid.
- The microcirculatory channels that transport nutrients and energy and can be blocked by improperly digested impurities.
- The finest product of digestion and the master coordinator between consciousness, matter and immunity.
- The vitality and strength of the mind and body.
Ingredients: Amrit Paste (MA4) contains: - Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
- Indian Gallnut
- Cardamom
- Cinnamon
- Long Pepper (Catkins)
- Indian Pennywort
- Cyperus
- Nutgrass
- White Sandalwood
- Aloeweed
- Butterfly Pea
- Licorice
- Turmeric
- Ghee (Clarified Butter)
- Whole Cane Sugar, Honey.
Processed in the extracts of: - Bengal Quince
- Indian Trumpet Flower
- Cashmere Bark
- Castor Oil Root
- Country Mallow
- Thatch Grass
- Eragrostis cynosuroides
- Sugar Cane
- Indian Asparagus
- Spreading Hogweed
- Giant Potato
- Indian Kudju
- Trumpet Flower
- Desmodium gangeticum
- Uraria picta
- Yellow-berried Night Shade
- Small Caltrops
- Large Caltrops
- Phaseolus trilobus
- Teramnus labialis
- Clerodendrum phlomidis
- Leptadenia reticulata
- Gymnema auraniticum.
Amrit Tablets (MA5) contains: - Winter Cherry
- Licorice
- Giant Potato
- White Musale
- Indian Gooseberry
- Heart-leaved Moonseed
- Indian Asparagus
- Indian Wild-Pepper
- Aloeweed
- Elephant Creeper
- Black Musale
- Caper plant
- Indian Gum Arabic Tree
Packaging: One box of MA4 (600g Amrit paste) and MA5 (60 Tablets) comprising 1 months supply of Maharishi Amrit Kalash.