It removes and cures headache, vertigo, general mental weakness. Regular use of this oil protects from early whitening of hairs and make them soft, silky and shiny. Massaging the body with this oil relaxes the muscles and removes dryness of the skin. Its natural cooling effect removes stress and keeps us cool for a long time. Applying the Hair oil in the morning reduces the effect of sun stroke and enhances our ability to work for long hours even in the warmest of summers. It is beneficial to apply the hair oil at night before going to sleep, so that the effect of the herbs stays longer and works better for your hair. Helps in getting sound sleep. Regular use of oil helps in reducing dryness of the scalp which is the prime cause of dandruff and other skin diseases. Ingredients: Shvet-Sandalwood (Safed Chandan), Sandalwood oil, rose flower, aloe vera (Ghrit Kumari), Iron Churna, Rattanjyot, Mulethi, Amla, Khus oil, Rusi oil.
Directions for Use:
Apply the hair oil twice a day for better results.