Brahma Rasayanam is one of the best traditional Ayurvedic growth promoting and strength giving tonics made out of 42 herbs along with honey, ghee and sugar candy. The Ashtanga Hrudayam says that the regular use of this tonic removes one's lethargy and fatigue and also slows down the ageing symptoms like wrinkles and greying of hair. In addition, there is improvement in one's intelligence, power of comprehension, memory and strength. Indications: Kaasam, swaasam, Jwaram, sosham, hrudrogam ( heart disorders) vaataraktam, mootra doshas (Urinary disorders) Sukra dosha (Semen disorders). This rasayana can be given for Vrudha (Old people) Baala (children) Those who are having Urakshata (Chest injury) Ksheena (Weakness) Krusa (Emaciation). Vaata anulomanam.Increases the Medha (Intellectual power), Smruthi (Memory power), and kaanthi (Complexion or appearance). Anaamayathwam (Aarogyam or Immunity power) Aayu ( Life span) Indriya balam and Agni balam Ingredients: Preparation for 10g: - Pathya 0.453g
- Dhatri 2.717g
- Panchapanchamula (each) 0.047g
- Sitopala 5.208g Twak 0.019g
- Ela 0.019g Musta 0.019g
- Rajani 0.019g
- Pippali 0.019g
- Agaru 0.019g
- Chandana 0.019g
- Mandukapuni 0.019g
- Kanaka 0.019g
- Shankhapushpi 0.019g
- Vacha 0.019g
- Plava 0.019g
- Yashtyahwa 0.019g
- Vidanga 0.019g
- Sarpi 1.0149ml
- Taila 0.679ml
- Kshaudra 1.019ml