Ingredients: Asgand Nagori, Illaichi Kalan, Balchhar, Burada Sandal Safaid, Peepal Kalan, Taj Qalmi, Tukhm Konch ki Meeng, Sazaj Hindi, Sad Kufi, Satawar, Gond Chuniya, Gond Keekar, Maghz Chironji, Maghz Tukhm Kharbuza, Mochras, Moosli Safaid, Nishasta Gandum, Zanjabeel Saeeda, Sheer, Ghee, Qiwam Shakar. Indications: It is useful in treating Leucorrhoea. Also helpful in Irregular & Painful Menses. It gives strength to Uterine functions. Dosage: 10 grams to be taken early in the morning or at bed time with 250 ml of milk. Packing: 125 grams.