Manufacturer : Sri Sri Ayurveda Trust. Ingredients: Shati, Vacha, Musta, Bhunimba, Amrut, Devadaru, Haridra, Ativisha, Daruharidra, Pippalimoola, Chitraka, Dhanyaka, Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amalaki, Chavya, Vidanga, Gajapippali, Shunti, Maricha, Pippali, Swarnamakshika Bhasma, Yavakshara, Sarjakshara, Saindhava Lavana, Sauvarchala Lavana, Vida Lavana, Danti, Tejapatra, Twak, Ela, Vamsalochana, Trivrta, Lauha Bhasma, Sharkara, Shuddha Shilajatu, Shuddha Guggulu. Indications: It strengthens the urino genital system and is useful in diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infection, piles, fistula and leucorrhoea. It also acts as an effective rejuvenator and promotes good health. It is also used in treating constipation, distension of abdomen due to obstruction to passage of urine and stools, anaemia, jaundice, dysuria, urinary disorders, tumor, hernia, lower backache, diseases of skin, itching, disorders of spleen, dental disorders, eye disorders, gynaecological disorders, gysmenorrhoea, vitiation of semen, weakness. Dosage: Two tablets twice daily with water or milk. Packing: 60 Tablets.